Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Food Delivery Statistics: A Vital Insight for Restaurant Businesses


In the rapidly evolving restaurant industry, food delivery has emerged as a crucial aspect, transforming the way customers dine. Understanding the latest food delivery statistics is essential for restaurant businesses to adapt and thrive in this competitive landscape.

Market Size and Growth:

  • The global food delivery market is projected to reach $204.3 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 10.6%.
  • In the United States, the food delivery market is expected to reach $43 billion by 2023.
  • Consumer Trends:

  • Convenience is a major driver of food delivery, with 60% of consumers ordering food online for its ease and time-saving benefits.
  • Millennials and Gen Z are the most frequent users of food delivery services, accounting for over 50% of orders.
  • Health-conscious consumers are increasingly using food delivery to access healthier meal options.
  • Impact on Restaurant Businesses:

  • Food delivery has increased restaurant sales by an average of 15-20%.
  • Restaurants that offer delivery services have a wider customer reach and can expand their market share.
  • Delivery fees and commissions can impact restaurant profitability, so careful consideration is necessary.
  • Third-Party Delivery Platforms:

  • Third-party delivery platforms, such as Uber Eats and Grubhub, dominate the food delivery market.
  • These platforms provide restaurants with access to a large customer base but charge commissions that can range from 15-30%.
  • In-House Delivery:

  • Some restaurants opt for in-house delivery to maintain control over the delivery process and customer experience.
  • In-house delivery requires additional staff and infrastructure, but it can offer higher profit margins.
  • Key Statistics:

  • The average food delivery order value is $30.
  • The average delivery time is 30-45 minutes.
  • 70% of food delivery orders are placed through mobile devices.
  • 55% of consumers prefer to order food delivery from restaurants they have visited before.
  • Conclusion:

    Food delivery statistics provide valuable insights for restaurant businesses to optimize their operations and meet the evolving needs of consumers. By understanding these trends, restaurants can leverage food delivery to increase sales, expand their reach, and enhance the customer experience.

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